Hello North Roanoke, I have some important updates about this Sunday as well as some other upcoming events. First, this Sunday at 9:15AM, the Long Range Planning committee will provide a Big Reveal of the proposed master plan from Visioneering Studios. We will have refreshments available before we begin, so come a little early and enjoy some fellowship. *Kids will not need to come to the gym during this time. Babies through 5th graders will go to their normal locations for 3D groups.* Second, on Sunday at 5PM, we will gather in the sanctuary for a special business meeting to vote on this recommendation: “The Long Range Planning committee recommends that North Roanoke Baptist Church adopt the master plan from Visioneering Studios as the primary guidance document for future facility improvements.” If we affirm this motion, we will be committing ourselves to pray, plan, share, make disciples, and, over time, pursue this vision together for the glory of God and the good of our church and the community we desire to reach. I hope that people from all generations in our church will come and participate on both Sunday morning and Sunday evening. The master plan addresses not only important improvements for preschool and kids areas but many other important improvements as well. Because we want everyone to be able to participate in the meeting, we ask, if possible, that you simply bring your children with you to the meeting. If they need to have an iPad and headphones, an activity, or an old-fashion coloring book, that is perfectly acceptable. If, however, you have a young child (baby - 2 years old) and require child care for them during the meeting, please let Lynn Wampler ([email protected]; 540.314.8083) know by tomorrow (Thursday, 6/2) at 5PM. Third, we have an opportunity to support our students who are going to student camp by purchasing tickets to their fundraiser (breakfast for dinner) on Sunday, June 12 from 6-8PM. Please see a student for a ticket. Tickets are $8. If you wish to leave a nice tip at the dinner, you may do so. Or, if you cannot attend but want to help our students get to camp, you may make a special gift and put “student camp” in the memo line of your check. Finally, WinShape camp is just around the corner! On Sunday, June 19, the WinShape team will worship with us and then begin setting up for camp that starts first thing Monday morning. WinShape is an incredible, day-camp experience with a Scriptural theme and a clear presentation of the gospel. I would like to see as many kids (K-8th grade) from our community as possible to enjoy the fun and have an opportunity to hear the gospel. If you have a friend, colleague, relative, or neighbor with kids, you may give them the code friends22. Every kid who is registered with this code will receive *$75 off* the price of camp. To register, just go to our website under “events” and follow the links from there. Thank you for your time and attentiveness to this update. I look forward to being with you Sunday! In Christ’s love, Pastor Daniel ![]()
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July 2024