Wednesday Fellowship Meals | Wednesdays | 5:30PM
Signing Up for Meals To sign up for Wednesday meals, please complete the online registration form for the week of the meal you plan to attend by Sunday at 11:59PM each week. Alternatively, you may sign up only once for the entire semester using the permanent registration link (details further down below). If you do not use a computer or smart phone or otherwise cannot register online, please call the church by Friday of the week before, or place a sign-me-up card in the offering box at church the Sunday before the meal, and the church staff will get you registered.
Sign Up for the Permanent List If you wish to be placed on the permanent list for all 18 Wednesday meals during the Winter/Spring semester beginning on January 8 and ending May 21, you may use this registration form to let our church office know. This registration does not allow for pre-payment, but you may pay with cash or check at the door each week. You should register everyone in your party that you want to place on the permanent list, and you will see the anticipated weekly cost for everyone in your party (same household please). **If you need to cancel for any Wednesday, please notify the office by Monday at 9AM.** Purchase/Register a Ticket Each Week Cost: $8/adult and $4/child (12 and under) Discount: After three (3) people have registered from your household (please register all adults first), the price drops to $4/adult and $2/child for any remaining guests from your home. Deadline: Tickets must be purchased no later than the Sunday before the meal Refunds: No refunds for cancellations Payment options: Credit/Debit card online or sign up online and pay at the door |
Short-Term Mission Trip | Serve Tour Virginia Beach | March 27-29
We have a special opportunity to participate in a short-term missions opportunity in Virginia Beach on March 28-29. Specifically, we will take part in the Serve Tour in Virginia Beach and surrounding communities. The Serve Tour, in partnership with churches and the SBCV and Send Relief, is seeking to inspire Baptists throughout our Commonwealth to engage in compassion ministry by providing opportunities for churches to participate in ministry projects in Virginia Beach. The goal of the Serve Tour is to be a vehicle through which churches demonstrate the love of Christ by coming together to engage in compassion ministry. The missions projects will be released on February 10, but we know that kids, students, and adults are welcome to participate. Families are encouraged, and the cost is minimal (possibly free other than a few meals, some meals are provided). A basic example schedule is available here. Additional information is available here. We hope to be able to have free lodging in a church and our departure will either be Thursday evening or Friday morning depending on how early our day begins and the projects we are able to participate in. For now, if you are interested in learning more and possibly participating in the trip, please register your interest here. |
Parents Night Out Valentines Day | Friday, Feb 14, 6-9PM
Enjoy the evening of Valentines Day without the kids! We will have pizza for dinner, games, and Valentines themed crafts. Must register kids by Feb 7th. To register Click Here |
Spaghetti Fundraiser | Saturday, Feb 22, 5-7PM
Youth are having a Spaghetti Dinner to help raise money for the students to go to camp this year. Also, 30% of ticket price will go to Lamplight High School for the purchase of their sports equipment. You can purchase tickets from a student. Please bring the ticket on the day of the event. |
Breaking Down the Book of James | Wednesdays | 6:30PM
Beginning on Wednesday, February 5, Jon Matlock will lead men through the book of James and teach Bible study tips and techniques along the journey. This class will benefit any man who wants to maximize the benefits of their time in God's Word and grow in his ability to understand what God has said. In addition to learning how to break down the text, men will have ample opportunity to consider how the truths in James impact our lives today. The only book you need for this class is your Bible. It would also be helpful to bring a notebook and a pen or pencil. |
Women's Weekly Bible Study | FH | Weds @ 10AM & 6:30PM
Beginning on Wednesday, February 5, join us as we meet weekly to seek the Lord and discover how to lay hold of the promises and instruction He provides. We will find that His grace sustains us to know Him, love Him, and have true and abundant life. We will hear from Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth in a 30 minute video followed by group questions and discussion. If you would like to have the book, we will have them available for $14, or if you would prefer to get a copy early, you can click Order Book via Amazon. Books are not required but are strongly encouraged. 10AM Bible Study has childcare. Register your child please! CHILDCARE |
3D Groups | Sundays at 9:15AM
Small-group programming available for everyone from babies through senior adults. On Sunday mornings, 3D groups are available for every age and life stage from 9:15-10:15AM. 3D Groups are designed to help Christians be driven to reach others, devoted to God's Word, and dedicated to Jesus and to one another. Through this small-group format, believers have opportunities to build relationships, learn God's Word, and minister to one another. |
Sunday Worship | 10:30AM
Join us this Sunday for worship in the gym. Preschool and kids' ministries are available during this service. See you Sunday! |
Treasure Jesus Initiative | Concluded Dec 31, 2024
During the Treasure Jesus Initiative, the people of North Roanoke gave more than $2.9M to grow in the spiritual discipline of generous giving by Treasuring Jesus more than our stuff. As a result, we were able to fully fund the our operating budget over the past two years (including 100s of thousands for missions and community efforts) and to get started on funding the first phase of renovations to improve our kids and preschool spaces outlined in our Master Plan. We remain short of the total funding needed to complete phase 1, but the Long Range Planning committee will meet soon (January 2025) to talk through the possibility of, perhaps, completing a portion of phase 1 or pursuing other alternatives until sufficient funds are received. If you would like to make a special gift of stock, real estate, an inheritance, or other type of gift to help us serve the next generation well and to show them Christ, please contact Pastor Daniel, and he can give you additional information on tax-wise ways to give and how to maximize your impact for the glory of King Jesus. |
Sunday Morning 3D Groups | 9:15AM [childcare/groups for all ages]
Sunday Worship | 10:30AM [childcare and kids' worship available]
WEDNESDAYS | Ending November 13 for the fall semester, resuming January 8, 2025
Dinner | 5:30PM
Kids' Bible Classes | 6:30PM
Adult Life Classes and Student Ministry | 6:30PM
Worship Choir Practice | 7:35PM (Christmas & Easter)
Sunday Morning 3D Groups | 9:15AM [childcare/groups for all ages]
Sunday Worship | 10:30AM [childcare and kids' worship available]
WEDNESDAYS | Ending November 13 for the fall semester, resuming January 8, 2025
Dinner | 5:30PM
Kids' Bible Classes | 6:30PM
Adult Life Classes and Student Ministry | 6:30PM
Worship Choir Practice | 7:35PM (Christmas & Easter)