Easter 2018
Good Friday, March 30
Service of Shadows
7:00 PM
Easter Sunday, April 1
First Worship Service (sanctuary) - 8:30 AM
Coffee & Pastries - 9:45 AM
Second Worship Service (gymnasium) - 10:30 AM
**Guest parking will be reserved for you as close to the main entrance as possible. Please turn on your flashing lights as you enter, and our parking team will know to direct you to guest parking. If you happen to be running late for the 10:30 service, don't worry. We will have a muffin, coffee, and a parking spot for you and a great team of volunteers ready to serve your preschooler(s) and children.
After His resurrection and before His ascension, Jesus promised to send His Spirit, give His people true life,
and remake them into a worldwide community of worshipers who celebrate the promise of the resurrection
and life everlasting with Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God and God the Son.
Whether you are a follower of Christ, a skeptic, or just curious about the claims of Christianity, we welcome you
to join us this Easter as we consider the true and living hope we have through the resurrection and why we can have confidence
that the resurrection of Christ is real and, therefore, changes everything!
We look forward to worshiping with you this Easter!
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
-Jim Elliot
Service of Shadows
7:00 PM
Easter Sunday, April 1
First Worship Service (sanctuary) - 8:30 AM
Coffee & Pastries - 9:45 AM
Second Worship Service (gymnasium) - 10:30 AM
**Guest parking will be reserved for you as close to the main entrance as possible. Please turn on your flashing lights as you enter, and our parking team will know to direct you to guest parking. If you happen to be running late for the 10:30 service, don't worry. We will have a muffin, coffee, and a parking spot for you and a great team of volunteers ready to serve your preschooler(s) and children.
After His resurrection and before His ascension, Jesus promised to send His Spirit, give His people true life,
and remake them into a worldwide community of worshipers who celebrate the promise of the resurrection
and life everlasting with Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God and God the Son.
Whether you are a follower of Christ, a skeptic, or just curious about the claims of Christianity, we welcome you
to join us this Easter as we consider the true and living hope we have through the resurrection and why we can have confidence
that the resurrection of Christ is real and, therefore, changes everything!
We look forward to worshiping with you this Easter!
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
-Jim Elliot